“A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” ― Coco Chanel
I love this quote by Coco Chanel as it reminds me how important hair is not only to a woman’s appearance but to how she feels about herself. I struggled with thinning hair for years before I found LeMetric, and since I became a client almost twenty years ago, I have reinvented my look several times as I transitioned from short hair to a classic bob and finally to a head full of curls.
It took a while until I found the look that best represented my personality and having the benefit of wearing additional hair enabled me to do that in a way that my own hair wouldn’t allow. But then the pandemic hit and everything changed.
My preferred method of wearing hair had been to have it semi-permanently integrated into my own hair that enabled me to wash and style it, wear it swimming and to sleep, not worrying about it blowing wildly when riding in a convertible. But lock-down during Covid restricted me from visiting the LeMetric salon for periodic servicing.
I decided to give myself the option of wearing wigs on occasion and I ordered a couple online. What an eye opener! The quality of the hair did not compare. My LeMetric hair was soft and natural looking while the wig hair looked synthetic and would not allow me to style it. And worse, they didn’t fit properly and slid around on my head. That’s when I realized how spoiled I had been with my LeMetric hairpiece that was custom made and fit my head like a second skin.
Admittedly, the wigs were inexpensive, not the high-quality human hair type that LeMetric also carries. But now that restrictions have been lifted to some degree, I am planning my visit to LeMetric’s New York location for a fitting of a custom-made removable hair piece and maybe a wig as an alternate when I don’t want to wear my ‘good’ hair to the beach. I love having that option.
My advice, if you’re asking for it, is don’t waste your money on inexpensive hair pieces that have to be replaced every three months. In the long run, you will save money with a quality LeMetric solution that can serve you for years rather than months!
—Philadelphia Client