Portrait of a Bald Woman
The trauma of thinning hair and hair loss
By a LeMetric client
Spring 2019 — On social media these days, I frequently see amazingly beautiful women with gray hair and sometimes no hair at all. I am envious at times thinking about how easy it would be not to worry about hair, whether it turned gray or whether you had none at all. Then I look in the mirror and am faced with the stark reality that, although I am certainly not unattractive, I could never look like these women.
For women like me suffering from thinning hair or hair loss, shaving my head would not be an acceptable alternative. I am glad that times have changed for men now that it is more stylish to shave one’s head rather than wearing a fake looking toupe, adopting a comb-over or spraying their heads with goopy powder that runs if it rains or comes off on your pillow.
Unfortunately, these are not reasonable alternatives for most women. What a relief it was when I discovered LeMetric so many years ago. As my hair got thinner and thinner, and combing it this way and that no longer worked, I longingly read their ads wondering if this was a solution for me.
I don’t know why it took me so long to investigate LeMetric. Maybe I thought it was a hoax or that I couldn’t afford it. Maybe I was afraid to look different, that people would notice. But one day I got the courage and called and that was my first encounter with Elline Surianello. With a big personality and an even bigger heart, Elline welcomed me into the world of additional hair and changed my life forever.
I won’t say it was an easy transition. I was afraid people would know I was wearing additional hair. Instead, they would say, “Oh, you look different! Did you lose weight?” Other women would stop me and ask where I got my hair done, and one colleague commented that “your hair always looks perfect.”
Sometimes I see women with thinning hair or hair loss in the supermarket or at a wedding or at a business event and I want to tell them about LeMetric, but I don’t want to embarrass them. But I do tell people who comment about my hair that it’s LeMetric’s, not mine, and that has led to many discussions with women dealing with the same issue.
So, if you decide to take the leap and investigate additional hair, do it with someone who will care about you. I’m so glad I did.