Life changes are a motivator for a new look, a new you.
By Elline Surianello
Summer 2019 — I have been providing women with hair replacement solutions for over 25 years and, aside from the common theme of hair loss, many of them have one other thing in common. The need to reinvent themselves.
While there are women who lose hair at a younger age, it is more common among women 50 and over. Whether their hair loss was due to genetics, aging, an illness or an autoimmune disorder, these challenges were usually accompanied by a life change. What were they? Divorce, loss of a spouse, loss of a job, the strain of battling a disease, weight gain and general aging.
Typically, women recognize the need to do something to move forward in a positive way, but they don’t know where to begin. When I tell women, “Change your hair and change your life,” I don’t mean to imply that solving their hair loss problems will automatically change their lives, but it does jump start the process to fix other things.
Laura is a prime example. She watched her hair get thinner and her waistline get thicker over the course of her 22-year marriage. One day, her husband announced he was leaving her for a younger woman, the theme of countless books and movies.
After two years of living alone and depressed, her friends urged her to begin dating. They helped her create an online profile but when it came time to upload a picture, she realized that you could see her hair was thinning in all her photos.
That’s when she came to me. We created a semi-permanent hair piece that made her look ten years younger. The added benefit was that if she did find herself in an intimate situation, the hair was not going to shift or come off.
Her new look gave her the motivation to start making healthy food choices and going to the gym which she hated, but she did it! Within three months, she felt like a new woman. She finally posted her photo online and started dating, in many cases, men who were years younger. She had a number of “flings” which she never had the opportunity to do when she was younger and, once she got that out of her system, she met Steven. They clicked and became partners. Neither wanted to marry again, but they live happily together, travel and entertain family and friends.
It was not an easy journey for her, but we were glad to be a part of Laura’s reinvention.